Document Signature Platform – EVA
When less paper is easier, faster, cheaper and safer!
Many companies have already started the process of digitalization. Despite this, many of them still rely too often on handwritten signatures. Dealing with the paperwork generated by these paper contracts causes a huge waste of time and prevents you from really focusing on your core business.
EVA, our electronic signature platform, offers you a convenient and secure way to sign documents with an electronic Identity Card (eID) or ad hoc signature product that allows the creation of fully digitalized document signature workflow. EVA also provides an API to sign, extend or validate the signature.

A unique service
We help you find the electronic signature solution that is best suited to your company, i.e. the one that offers a pleasant and efficient user experience while remaining scalable in terms of resources and technologies.
A secured platform
The EVA signature platform is deployed in your infrastructure following your security standards and uses eIDAS-compliant standards to enable the use of a legally binding electronic signature.
An international and contextual solution
This platform is already used by multi-national European companies and proposes market specific solutions to easily sign. International access is possible by relying on the most relevant means of signature given the risk and the country concerned.
Who said that signing electronically a document is difficult?
What type of signature does EVA support?
- Advanced electronic signature/seal:
EVA proposes an easy way to sign using an SMS or a strong authentication. Other mechanisms can be plugged in at demand.
- Qualified electronic signature/seal using a qualified certificate:
EVA allows you to use legally recognised smartcards or tokens from any EU country to produce an eIDAS compliant signature. A qualified certificate can also be provided if needed using video-identification.
Discover the NexU module that allows to use EVA with your chip and non-chip devices (a.k.a. “smartcards”)
NexU is a standard cross-browser and cross-platform solution that offers you security, privacy and reliability.
This signature tool allows web applications to interact with local chip card readers. It also allows the use of signature keys stored locally on a computer.
In addition, specific higher-level protocols (such as SAML) and the application of additional functions (such as reading electronic credentials) are allowed thanks to the plugin architecture.

And set up a tailor-made and comprehensive validation policy
The use of the electronic signature implies taking care of the legal validity of your documents signed electronically. Indeed, presented to a court as electronic evidence, it is important to ensure that the signature is valid as per the law. However, the validity of an electronic signature is not assessed on the same criteria as a handwritten signature. It is therefore important to be prepared by implementing an appropriate validation policy for electronic signatures.
To this end, discover the new EVA module that allows you to set up your validation policies that recognises a set of advanced signatures as well as qualified signatures to validate signed documents against your expectations.
As a summary, EVA can offer you:
- A module based on DSS (Digital Signature Service), the reference implementation in the European Union;
- A set of validation policies, and a clear PDF report on the eSignature(s) information present in the analysed document;
- Ongoing support by DSS experts while ensuring confidentiality;
- The possibility to make batch validation requests.
Use the EVA signature platform and enjoy its benefits!
Your flexible self-reporting solution
Since 1 January 2016, the OECD Common Reporting Standard (“CRS”) is in application for Luxembourg Financial Institutions (“FIs”). These institutions are required to report (the “CRS Report”), on an annual basis, detailed personal and financial information about certain account holders that have been identified and classified as reportable by the FIs to the Luxembourg Tax Authorities, l’Administration des Contributions Directes (the “ACD”).
In the meantime, the introduction in 2015 of reporting obligations related to the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”), conceptually similar to the CRS, are reinforced with the introduction of previously unrequested financial information.
To support you in managing your FATCA and CRS reporting, together with Arendt Regulatory & Consulting, Luxembourg’s leading legal, tax and commercial services firm, we have developed a flexible reporting software called “ARNO”.
ARNO is a one-stop shop solution that enables FIs to collect the necessary information and report it to the Tax Authorities in a secure, seamless, cost-effective, and intelligent way. It improves the data quality of your source system, supporting large volumes of data with filtering and splitting capabilities. ARNO also provides the necessary corrections and amendments, ensuring that technical standards and business rules are updated at any time of your business.
Want to know more? Contact us
Paperless Onboarding Software – HAPS
Make client acquisition easier and more efficient for your business!

You are a private banker or life insurer? Then, you are fully aware that acquiring a new client has become more and more complex due to endless paperwork. With HAPS, our paperless onboarding solution, we make client acquisition simple, effective, efficient, and completely paperless.
HAPS is a software that allows the collection of data, the compliance check, the generation of the document and finally the electronic signature or downloading of a Web portal/an application or the printing. The software automatically applies country-specific regulatory requirements (MiFID profile, FATCA, CRS, PEP, etc.) and includes electronic identification and electronic signature.
Say goodbye to endless paperwork
- Be visible;
- Manage your client relationship fully in digital;
- Respect all country specific regulatory requirements (MiFID profile, FATCA, CRS, PEP, etc.)
- Propose a modern solution to your clients;
- Propose a private and secure messaging.